Message of President
In the context which private universities have been growing in the Kingdom of Cambodia, I am really proud that I have received the confidence from the Royal Government of Cambodia that licenses the opening of a new university named the Cambodia University of Management and Technology (CUMT) with the sub-de- cree No. 63 Ref. dated on 28 March 2022. I can express that it is a historical event for me and the Khmer Islam community that this university was born from the efforts of a Khmer Islam founder cooperating with Khmer scholars who graduated within the country and abroad. I firmly hope that this university is going to provide benefits for the country and play an essential role toward achieving the strategic goals of the Royal Government of Cambodia, that is, to develop education system with quality and inclusiveness

Why Choose Our Institution
Cambodia University of Management and Technology (CUMT) was initiated in 2014 by Cambodian scholars and other significant human resources from all sorts of folks within the country and overseas. It is the university whose founders are foreigners and Cambodians (Khmer) who have competence and many years of experiences in human capital development sector at all national and international levels. CUMT has been recognized by the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) with the sub-degree No. 63 Ref. dated on 28 March 2022, received other relevant legal documents, and recognized by Accreditation Committee of Cambodia (ACC).
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